Brand Assets

Bring the Nourix brand to life with official brand logos, colours and brand elements.

Should you have any media queries or need assistance with applying or branding, talk to us here.

nourix™ Logo

‘Nourix’ is in one word, spelled with ‘N’ capital when used in writing.

Contemporary and clean, Nourix combines the word “Nourish” with the with the letter “x” that means providing a powerful and innovative solution for nourishing people’s health.

It is a refreshing turquoise color that combines calmness and vibrancy, bringing to mind tranquility, balance, and natural beauty.

Our logo can be used in one of two colours: turquoise and white, depending on the colour of the background.

Download our logo kit


Colour is an important tool for our brand. It helps create cut-through, clarity, and a clear point of difference. Turquoise green are our primary colours. 50% of any brand communication we create should use turquoise green.

The secondary palette is designed to provide creative flexibility. It should make up the remaining 50% in any brand communication we create.

Primary Colour


RGB 50 183 176

CMYK 73% 0% 4% 28%

Accent Colour


RGB 60 139 153

CMYK 61% 13% 0% 40%

Accent Colour


RGB 255 107 0

CMYK 0% 58% 100% 0%

Accent Colour


RGB 68 74 62

CMYK 2 0 5 71

Accent Colour


RGB 221 221 221

CMYK 0 0 0 13

Brand Fonts

We use WORK SANS and LIBRE BASKERVILLE as our typeface.

Trademark Usage Guidelines

These guidelines explain how you must use and visually present our brand assets at all times. Your use of our brand assets indicates your acceptance of these guidelines, and you understand that your use of our brand assets in violation of these guidelines will result in automatic termination of your license and/or permission to use our brand assets.

1. Use of our brand assets must be expressly authorized in writing.

2. Your use must not mislead consumers as to our sponsorship of, affiliation with or endorsement of your company or your products or services.

3. Our brand assets must be used in a respectful manner. Our brand assets may not be used in a way that harms us, our products or services, or in a manner which, in our opinion, lessens or otherwise damages our reputation or the goodwill in our brand assets. In other words, please do not associate our brand assets with any illicit or illegal activities or use them in a way that is deceptive or harmful.

4. Our brand assets are our exclusive property. All goodwill that results from your use of our brand assets will be solely to our benefit. You will not take any action that is at odds with our rights or ownership of our brand assets. Where used on a web page, our brand assets, as well as the mention of our name, should include embedded hyperlinks to our homepage:

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